Tuesday, April 12, 2016

04/12/16 day 10: Baienfurt, DE

Feels and looks like spring has sprung in Germany. Flowers are popping up. The apple trees are white with blossoms. Fields are being tilled and prepared. Farmers are busy mowing. It literally might be the first time the grass has had a chance to dry since last year. Rich greens as far as you can see.

Peter and I did our exercises on the lawn at 11:30 after breakfast with Simone, Lotta and Emil who had a slight fever this morning but was now mowing through bread with honey and marmalade like the champion he is.

Around 12:30 the band piled into Uli's truck and headed south to where his small catamaran is docked. There wasn't enough wind to sail, but the spot is perfect. Peter built rock towers and skinny dipped in the water (which surprisingly wasn't too cold), while I napped on the boat still perched on the rocky beach.  Jeff did crossword puzzles in the shade. A couples hour later, after a refreshing Hefeweizen at the little cafe by the harbor we were back on the road to Tommy's. I'm starting to like this whole "night off" concept.
Peter hard at work.
Me hard at work.

We decided to have a chill night tonight because of the string of upcoming shows and travel so we ordered pizzas and salad and watched a movie on Amazon Prime. Sometimes you gotta have these nights too. Sad to have to leave Baienfurt tmrw. This place and our awesome friends make this such a special place for all three of us.

Gute Nacht Freunde!

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