Monday, April 30, 2012

4/29 day 4: Monte Carlo, Monaco

Another early morning today. At least today I slept until 7. My room is towards the very front of the ship so I feel and hear the waves hit the boat. It's pretty relaxing most of the time. That gentle sway reminds me of the train.

It's raining in Monte Carlo. I need to pick up my schedule and see when and how I can get off the ship and check out the town. It looks amazing from here.

Today I learned what "in-port manning" was. I was all ready to get "tendered" to Monte Carlo (taking over in a water taxi) when I was informed that I "owed the port money." Confused as all hell, I called my manager on the ship and asked why and how I owed the port money. He explained that I just misunderstood the nice lady and that I was assigned to "in port manning" today. Which basically means that i (along w a bunch of other crew and officers) had to stay on the boat. It's actually a law that like at least 1/3 of the crew stays on the ship at all times, so they split up the duties. Anyway, so I've just been practicing and watching movies in my little crib. Got some gigs this evening. Over and out.

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