Wednesday, November 4, 2015

11/4/15 day 5: Eislingen, DE

Not gonna lie, that 9am alarm was a little rough. There was some good old fashioned revelry last night that lasted well into the night. Into my pajamas and house shoes and shuffled downstairs to the scene of the crime, the comfy little restaurant on the ground floor of the hotel. Tina, the petite but boisterous hotel owner, greeted us all with a knowing smile and a hot cup of coffee. The spread was modest but tasty; fresh bread, sliced meats and cheeses, fresh fruit, coffee and yogurt. We were the only ones eating, the hotel is small, only 6 or 7 rooms and we are in four of them. We laughed hard about the jam session and toasted our good fortune. We are all so fortunate to be able to do these tours and today was no exception.

After breakfast we grabbed our instruments and met back up in the restaurant. Once we realized how nice it was outside, we adjourned to the patio and finished running though the songs.

At about 2:30 we felt good about the tunes and everyone parted ways; Jeff and peter to town for lunch and Clint and I opted for the quiet of our individual rooms. I did not succeed in a nap, but spent an hour resting toes up.

4pm we met Tommy our friend and booking agent at the club Belevue just 7 minutes from the hotel. He had the PA so we helped get organized, sound checked, and headed to dinner shortly before 6. We went to a nice little Italian joint a couple minutes down the road and got caught up (in the last couple of years, we have become good friends with Tommy and his family. He has two adorable kids and a saint of a wife). We also rapped about the tour next April wihich is shaping up to be our longest yet; five weeks through 4 countries!! The meals were good. I went with a salad and a calzone, of which I only got through half.

Back to the club at 7:15 where an audience was assembling. We hit at 8 PM to 60+ folks. The club was modest but had a great atmosphere. We rocked two 45 min sets and an encore. It felt great to perform some new tunes and it was a nice treat to have Clint along who adds great textures and solos. We sold a bunch of merch after the show and met a lot of really appreciative people. A really solid first night. Excited for this tour!

And no, I didn't take one picture today.

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