Thursday, October 9, 2014

10/10/14 day 3: Radeburg, DE

Apolda, DE: It's amazing what 7 hours of horizontal, uninterrupted sleep and a hot shower does for the constitution! Holy cow. I woke up singing.

Walked down to the cafe to a quaint little German breakfast spread with meats and cheeses, brötchen, musli, hot coffee, perfection.

Had a short rehearsal in my room after breakfast and then we hit the road to Radeburg. Short drive today, only a couple hours. Made it to the hotel in Berbisdorf, just outside of town, had another short rehearsal (everything is sounding amazing) and then powered down for an hour nap. I went down hard; eye mask and white noise sound machine...  Not like I needed help though. Up and showered and out the door at 5:15.

Arrived at the club and shared big hugs with Frank the venue owner. It's really amazing the friendships we have been able to create over the years. We met Frank in the Spring of 2013 and have been buds ever since. Had a super quick sound check (another benefit of a trio) and then went into the green room for a home cooked meal of chicken, vegetables, and whole grain. We created a set list, had a glass of wine and chilled out. It was really nice and relaxed.

The show went really well. Performance felt really good. Crowd was super in it. I heard gasps after some tunes which is usually a good thing. Did a two song encore of Printemps Á Paris and Bid You in the audience. Totally juicy moments. After the set we hung out and rapped with the audience. Some had seen us last year and some were brand new, all were very thankful we were there. Felt amazing. After the set, we closed down the venue with Frank and headed back to the hotel for a debrief. He sent us home with flowers (no kidding), and a selection of his favorite local beers.

Great first night! Stoked for this tour.

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