Friday, June 29, 2012

6/29/12 day 65: Copenhagen, Denmark

Grey and rainy in Copenhagen today and I loved it. Maybe because I came prepared with an umbrella and jacket but also because I really dig this city and its gonna take more than rain to sour my opinion. It was coming down hard and people were still riding their bikes around. Honey badger don't give a shit! I love it.

Must be graduation day for high schoolers too because there were about 6 different flat bed trucks rolling around downtown decorated w banners and loaded up with rowdy kids dancing to music and carrying on. I remember that from Aachen. There was a big "Abitur" graduation party In the city square and we all hopped on a flat bed pulled by a tractor. I have one shaky picture from that tractor ride.

Had a great lunch catching up with my old Freiburg friend AV and then made my way slowly back to the ship, patiently watching my shoes get wet. Wish i had more time in the city because today would have been a good day to hole up in a pub, enjoy some øl and watch some soccer. Unfortunately, that wasn't in the cards. First night of a new cruise means I have to be "on" and that takes all my energy and focus, really. Would have been a perfect day for the Dubliner though... Next time.

It was a good first night in the club. Had a great crowd and enjoyed the Surf and Turf menu in the Colonnade Restaurant with a couple from Australia that were on the last cruise. Should be a great 14 day cruise into Norway. Here is the itinerary: Flåm, Ålesund, Leknes, Tromsø, Honnigsvåg, Olden, Bergen, Stavanger, and then back to Copenhagen.

And I am impressed with the new band. They did Josie by Steely Dan among some other gems. They'll be great.

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