Monday, July 9, 2012

7/9/12 day 75: Olden, Norway

I woke up in Olden. Olden, you may remember, was a town I was unable to visit because I had IPM the last time we were here. I had no plans today other than to walk around the tiny town, maybe find some wifi, and chill. It was brilliant. All was accomplished. I even sprung for a pizza and a fanta, which was not cheap, but very worth it. Ship food is getting stale, literally. It was time for a treat. Hung at a little cafe and devoured said pizza and relished said fanta. Even did some Norwegian gift browsing. Norway isn't cheap people. Had a nice, chill afternoon, then walked back to the ship for a work out and, alas, a crew mess dinner consisting of salad. There were plenty of mystery meats, and white rice, but I opted to keep it light.

The sets were good. Debuting some new tunes. Had multiple requests for the Jimmy Buffet tune (thanks Erik) as well as others. A good day. Good to feel ground beneath my feet too.

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