Monday, July 30, 2012

7/30/12 Phoenix, AZ

What/who I missed most while working on the cruise ship:
1) my girlfriend. Obviously.
1a) my dog. My sweet old girl.
1b) my family. Had my back.
2) a queen sized bed. I'm too big for a single... I'm a grown ass man.
3) nights off. Although working every night kept me out of trouble.
4) playing with a band. The solo thing can get old.
5) playing original music. Rarely got to play enough.
6) personal space. I'm too old to live in a dorm room.

What I miss about working on a cruise ship:
1) my homies. Damn good people.
2) waking up in a new city every day. The only way to travel.
3) having meals cooked for me three times a day. Delicious again Peter!
4) having a room steward that cleans my room and does my laundry... priceless.
5) having a 2 minute walk to work. Eco-friendly.
6) not having to set up a PA before playing. Effortless.
7) the little curtains around my bed to block out noise and light. Brilliant.
8) having a gym 2 minutes away. Hadn't set foot in a gym in 15 years.
9) TV with a ton of on demand movies. Sure, I'll watch The Matrix again!

What I don't miss about working on a cruise ship:
1) limited and unpredictable access to the Internet. Worse than dial up.
2) the feeling that you are always being watched by someone who can fire you. But I punched out?!?!
3) restricted ship access. What do you mean I can't swim in the guest pool?
4) IPM. Archaic.
5) Heineken. Not my first choice.
6) instant coffee. Seriously? I'm going to the guest cafe.

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