Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4/10/13 day 9: Copenhagen, Denmark

It seems every morning there is a new sound coming from Højbro Plads next door. Today it was the same song, over and over. When I went outside to check it out, it was four dudes on a trailer lip synching to a song and carrying on like it was Madison Square Gardens. In front of them, a dozen dancers with black stockings over their heads 'danced' in unison. It was more like they were vogueing. I don't know. It was strange. I think they were protesting something. I started to quietly protest the song. It wasn't great the first time through and the subsequent times didn't make it any better.

Had my breakfast and coffee at the club and did a little reading before the pub got noisy. You'd be surprised how many folks start drinking at 11am.

On my trek over to Cafe Retro for FaceTime w Kim, I noticed a little pub featuring Danish microbrews. I decided to steal in and treat myself to a cold pint seeing as this week has been dry because of a nagging cold. After the session w Kim, I made my way back to my temporary housing for the week and caught a cat nap before the gig.

It's been a good run, Dubliner. Thanks for welcoming me w open arms.

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