Saturday, April 27, 2013

4/26/13 day 25: Freiburg, Germany

Left Solothorn around 11 after a very respectable breakfast. We arrived without international incident in Germany around 12:45. The rooms weren't ready yet, so we parked the car at the hotel and struck off towards downtown.

It felt really good to be back. Last time I was here was maybe 10 years ago. We walked west through Schwabentor and into the painfully quaint downtown. I took them directly to Feierling Brewery for a taste of my favorite brew. This small batch brewery makes three styles all year round: a dark in the fall and a Bock in the winter. Throughout the year, they have the main style which is an "export" style lager that is unfiltered and delicious! After that, I took them to my favorite spot for Turkish food, Euphrat. It was like I was 21 again!!

I took them on a quick walk around to the Rathaus and the Dom and then we went up the biergarten up on the hill overlooking the city. The weather was overcast but warm enough to sit outside and take in the view. It started to sprinkle as we made our way back to the hotel. I was happy for a quick power nap before Ray picked us up and brought us over to the club. Ray is a seasoned, jolly old chap from the UK. He runs the club. Drives like a masshole, which I can thoroughly appreciate being from Massachusetts.

The room is lovely. It used to be an old municipal garbage truck repair shop. It sounds amazing though and the vibe is already tangible.

Had a quick Käsewurst with a brötchen before the set which was delicious. Although, peter was hankering for sauerkraut. Gonna try to make that happen tomorrow.

The set was solid. We had 60+ people, thanks in large part to Ray's PR in the local papers and motivating his email list. The vibe was great. The stories flowed. Song highlights were "Moving in Slow Motion" "Miss You Now" and "1000 Little Pieces." The new tunes are really coming together with peter and Jeff laying down some really solid harmonies. They sound great and fit nicely into the set as previews of the next tsr record.

Also had a double encore tonight so we dropped Been Too Good and I did a solo version of Here Comes the Sun. All to great response.

We also officially sold out of CDs! We estimate we sold 175 CDs total which is really great for 10 shows. While we are bummed we won't have any for our last show, we are stoked how many we sold throughout the tour. I didn't think it was possible but we did it. Very proud.

Gonna be tough to leave Freiburg tomorrow, but excited for our last show.

Gute Nacht alle.

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