Sunday, April 14, 2013

4/13/13 day 12: Copenhagen>Stuttgart

Chilly and grey in Copenhagen when I made my way to the airport this morning. Boarded the small plane bound for Stuttgart, Germany. Im arriving a day earlier then the guys. I figured I'll get the rental car and set up shop at the hotel where will be staying the next couple days.

When the plane broke through the cloud cover, we could see rolling hills, farm lands, and villages clustered around small churches. It was warm when we landed. At least 10-15 degrees warmer than Denmark. I wondered where my sun glasses were... I hadn't used them all week.

Picked up the rental car which is so new It took me a couple minutes to figure out to turn it on. It's a little smaller than "meat wagons" of past tours, but I think it will do. I did notice a USB port which will come in handy. Seriously though, there are buttons on the console that I have no idea what their purpose is. This car makes my 2003 Honda look like it was built in the Stone Age.

It was about 25 minutes to Göppingen, which is southeast of Stuttgart. Our first show of the tour is here in town on Monday. Checked into the hotel and went for a little walk in search of some dinner. It seems like a nice little town with an active downtown. I'll check more out tomorrow. I passed a Thai take out joint and brought back curry to the room and watched the Simpsons dubbed in German.

I'm gonna call it a night soon. The boys land at 8am and then it's back to work.

Gute Nacht!

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